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Live Life Fit

Client of the Month

Nicole Hogan 

atlanta personal training

Atlanta personal training

January/February 2014

 We have a first ever three month streak for Client of the Month at Brad Kolowich Jr’s personal training studio.  Nicole Hogan, 28, a full-time nurse at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and an O.R. Nurse at Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialist has been working non-stop in pursuit of competing in her first ever NPC Bikini Competition.  Through the holiday’s, Valentines, snow storms (and being stranded at the hospital), her birthday, illness and other special events, Nicole has let nothing be an excuse for reaching her goals she has set in place.  Nicole stays consistent with her workouts in the studio and on her own.  Since the start of the year, she has learned to take her nutrition to another level—prepping meals, counting her macronutrients more diligently, weighing and measuring everything to meet her ideal macronutrient make-up, and she even completed a trial run through of the dietary process to get stage ready!  This vigorous two week process involves sodium loading, then sodium depleting, water loading and then water depleting, and finally carb depleting and carb loading—and Nicole tackled it flawlessly!  A year after beginning her fitness journey, Nicole is in the best shape of her adult life.  In the picture above she has photographed her abs in March 2013 and again in February 2014.  She is a true testament to Richard G. Scott’s quote about consistency, “We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.”  Nicole will be competing March 21-22 in Pensacola, FL in the Panhandle Showdown Championships National Qualifier in hopes of receiving her national qualification to compete in other future National NPC Bikini events.  We wish you the best of luck Nicole!

Client of the Month:  Madeleine Conti

Brad Kolowich Jr Personal Training Studio

October 2013

     This time of year it is easy to let busy schedules, the cooler weather, sporting events, work commitments and ailing bodies get in the way of their training schedules. The client of the month for October however lets nothing get in the way of making her training a priority. Madeleine Conti, 22, is a Percussion Instructor at Woodward Academy. She also occupies her time as an entrepreneur running her own business of teaching private in-home music lessons. She makes the commute to Brad Kolowich Jr Personal Training Studio from Peachtree City and she is preparing for her first NPC Bikini Competition. Though Madeleine only trains with Brad once a week, she gets her daily workouts in on her own and follows a strict diet (prescribed by Brad) catered to helping her reach her specific goals. In September, Madeleine had what could have been a devastating injury, but she was determined to continue to push toward reaching her goals. While rushing into work one morning Madi clumsily made “friends” with a nasty curb. She was diagnosed at Urgent care with swelling of soft tissue in her ankle OR a severely sprained ankle. Most would take some time to let healing occur; however, Madeleine instead texted Brad from the ER with a message informing him of her injury and stating “We may need to shift my focus in my workout from legs tomorrow, but I will see you in the morning.” This is just a little glimpse into the motivation, determination and dedication Madi brings to reaching her fitness goals. Madeleline is the current female record holder in push-ups and dips and holds the overall sit-up and plank record with a 13:32 minute plank! Madi brings a positive attitude and smile to every workout! We thank you Madi for being a inspiration to us and the Brad Kolowich Jr Fitness studio! Congratulations and continue to reach for the stars!


Client of the Month
Behrooz Pavarandeh

July 2013

atlanta personalt trainer

Behrooz began working with top Atlanta Personal Trainer, Andy Keller, in December of 2012. Behrooz’s primary goals are fat loss and increased strength/cardiovascular endurance. Like many of us, Behrooz’s works an extremely intense work schedule, lives a social lifestyle and battles with a sensitive stomach due to in-tolerances to certain foods. Each of these factors can make it challenging for anyone to stick to a regular workout regimen and consistent balanced dietary intake. However, Behrooz was determined to not let any limiting factors keep him from reaching his fitness goals. He makes reaching his goals a priority! Behrooz maintains a strict workout routine, getting in five sessions a week with Andy. He also met bi-weekly (now monthly) with Mandy for nutritional guidance and support. Through his adherence to his workouts and nutritional suggestions, Behrooz lost 8.5 lbs in one month, while also gaining lean muscle mass. He also lost 2.25 inches in his waist and gained muscle in his arms and calves. In addition to reaching his weight loss goals, Behrooz continues to gain strength in the weight room and has improved his finish time in the completion of several 5k’s. He most recently joined in the longtime Atlanta 4th of July tradition and ran the Peachtree Road Race. Congratulations Behrooz and thank you for your determination and motivation to reaching your fitness goals!

Client of the Month

top personal trainers in Atlanta Brad Kolowich Jr

Each month, Brad Kolowich Jr’s team of personal trainers get together to evaluate and measure their clients progress towards their current goals.  Due to the wonderfully hardworking and kind clientele we have at Brad Kolowich Jr personal training studio it is never an easy task at hand to pick just one person who has shined.  However, as owner Brad says, “This is not Kindergarten.”  The client who has earned the status as client of the month has truly outworked, out-shined others and gone over and beyond to meet his/her goals.  The client who is picked to represent our studio as client of the month is someone who has not missed workouts, maintained a positive attitude, trusted and followed his/her trainers dietary and exercise advice and stayed dedicated in and out of the gym.  The client of the month is featured in our monthly studio newsletter, Live Life Fit, posted on our wall of fit people, and given a complementary protein shake.

February 2013 Client of the Month:  Cara Roxland

top personal trainers in atlanta Brad Kolowich Jr


This month Cara Roxland is our stellar client for February 2013! Cara Roxland, 30, lives in Brookhaven with her new hubby and two young kittens. Cara and her husband, John, got married in November 2012. In preparation of her February 2013 Hawaiian honeymoon, Cara came to our studio in hopes of reaching her beach body ready physique. Cara began working with Mandy in December and in just four short weeks (the holiday’s included) she lost ¼ + inches a week in her waist, hips, chest, and thighs. This brought to a total loss of more than an inch in these areas over a months time. Cara has followed a strict workout regimen, getting in 4 1-hour sessions a week in December and 3 1-hour sessions a week in January and she has attended Ab-Class in addition to this schedule. As her countdown to her honeymoon rapidly approaches, Cara will resume to 4 sessions a week in February. In addition to her regular training session in and out of the studio, Cara has consistently followed my dietary advice and has done the preparation necessary to maintain a low-carb diet. Cara comes to each session ready to put in the work and make dietary tweaks necessary to reach her goals. Just this week she dropped her carbs more and has begun to loose even more inches. Thank you Cara for your hard work, trust and commitment to reaching your goals, bettering your health and we wish you HAPPY HONEYMOONING!

How to Keep Muscle Mass While Sick
Thanksgiving is generally a time when we all worry about unwanted weight gain.  However, this Thanksgiving (as described in my Mom’s story below) our family was faced with a whole other challenge:  How to keep our hard earned muscle mass while sick with the stomach bug.  As personal trainer and nutritionist (and Brad a fitness model) our lively hood revolves around maintaining a lean and muscular physique.  Getting a gut wrenching stomach virus has the possibility to hinder the hard work we put in on a daily basis and set us back in our physical gains.  However, by following these five simple steps, we kept ourselves from falling into a huge setback.
In order to best prevent the loss of muscle during times of illness try theses remedies:
1. Believe it or not, when you are sick your metabolism speeds up (even if you aren’t moving) in order to help repair your body.  So, adequate nutrition is a MUST.  Start with a bland diet (bananas, rice, apples, toast) and add protein as you can stomach it.
2.  DRINK plenty of water and try pedialyte or gatorade to get vitamins, minerals and electrolytes back in your system.  Also, while your caloric intake is low, try drinking 5-10g of BCAA’s every 2-4 hours and 1-2g of buffered creatine (Kre Alkalyn) up to two times a day.
3.  Take a probiotic.  (IF you’ve had a run with the stomach virus, though you’ve cleared out all the bad bacteria in your system, you also cleared out all the good bacteria.  Take a probiotic to reintroduce those vital good bacteria to your system.)
4.  Eat or drink adequate protein.  Try a vegan based protein powder, Greek yogurt, and bland chicken (when you are able to stomach it).
5. REST and get plenty of sleep.  As mentioned above, your body is in overdrive working to overcome your illness and thus is going to need plenty of rest for your quickest recovery.
The story below was written by my Mother and Aunt, two other victims (of the 11) to our Thanksgiving fiasco, who also fought the good fight back to HEALTH and preserved muscle mass along the way by following these simple steps to recovery.
Script and pictures  by Nancy Blue (Nana) and Kathy Blue (Aunt Kathy)
You are now hearing the voice of Rod Serling…..
   Rod Serling
You unlock this door with the Key of imagination….
Beyond it is another dimension.
A dimension of sound…
A dimension of sight….
A dimension of mind….
You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance…..
Of things and ideas…
You have just crossed over into ….                                 
                                                                        Twilight Zone PicDOO-DOO-DOO-DOO…..DOO-DOO-DOO-DOO…DOO-DOO-DOO-DOO—-
It was an ordinary day in Brevard North Carolina, much like any other day just before Thanksgiving…..
The weather was exceptionally nice for a late November day and the Blue family was busily preparing for a joyous holiday weekend of fun and feasting.
nana graham
As the guests began to trickle in from Dacula, Atlanta, and Cashiers, all were happy to be reunited and to share in the joy of the new baby Graham.
mandy brooke cooking                       table 1
Festivities were enthusiastically underway as pies, cookies, casseroles and a grand Turkey were lovingly prepared, and a beautiful table was set to perfection.
Yes….it was a picture perfect setting….you could say, just like a Norman Rockwell painting…until……IT HIT !!!
Now officially documented by the CDC as THE H 2-0-1-2 … a sinister, insidious virus with NO KNOWN CURE !!
pukin pumpkin
First to fall was Nana… hardly finished with her Thanksgiving meal….she was hit hard…..
cute sick pumpkin
Followed shortly by Big Mike….it wasn’t a pretty sight!
2 sick pumpkins
Next to go were Aunt Mandy and Aunt Taylor, forced to huddle together on the bathroom floor, shivering in the night.
2 more sick pumpkins
And FINALLY…… the last to go…. Brad and Aunt Kathy.  We thought they were in the clear, but NOTHING escapes the deadly grip of
THE H 2-0-1-2 VIRUS !!!!!  Yes….it was a ghastly sight…..
survivor collage
And there were many casualties…….
family sneaking away                   germ graham
Then,as swiftly and unassumingly as the Heberling family came, they disappeared down the misty mountain road back home taking with them, their
secret biological weapon…..
sick supplies 
Leaving only some “Sick Supplies”…….
And a note which read…… ”We came…We infected… We ate… and… We left….We Love You!”
Hazmat Suit    hazmat_taining2 shokotan_hazmat_1  Hazmat wash down
Well, it is said that Love can be expressed in many different ways…..so next year….
the family will be ready for whatever expressions of “Love” may come their way !!!
And so…..until then….. “Village Under Quarantine For 30 Days” !!!
      Rod Serling
And so, my friends, goes another Thanksgiving in…..
                                                                                       Twilight Zone Pic
Happy Thanksgiving!
We decided we better give Santa fair warning…
Santa in Hazmat Suit
“ Well, here I am at the Heberling’s……good kid, that Graham, but germy…..”

Do It Yourself Pumpkin Face Mask

As an Atlanta Personal Trainer, working out and lifting weights all day keeps my body looking and feeling great but doesn’t always leave my skin feeling smooth and hydrated. As the weather has cooled off this fall I’ve noticed yet again my skin beginning to dry out leaving me looking and feeling less than my best. This past weekend I put the highly talked about pumpkin face mask to the test. Pumpkins are the fruit of the season and are full of skin aiding vitamins and nutrients. Due to their high content of vitamin A (skin healing), vitamin C (antioxidant) and zinc, they are great for environmentally damaged and sensitive skin. And yes, this pumpkin face mask left my skin feeling smooth and moisturized. So mix up this recipe, draw yourself a warm bath, grab a cup of warm tea and relax tonight to end your Monday with some skin pampering bliss!


2 tsp cooked or canned pumpkin
½ tsp honey
¼ tsp milk
¼ tsp heavy whipping cream or ½ tsp brown sugar


Written by, Mandy Malool Atlanta Personal Trainer and Specialist in Fitness Nutrition

I often hear my client’s say they are eating healthy clean snacks/meals and working out regularly yet continuing to feel a lack of energy and not seeing the results they desire. Many times, as we begin to unwind and examine their diet we begin to see the source of their complaints. Though they are making healthy (or healthier) choices than they previously were, their dietary choices for meals, snacks in particular, often lack important macro and micro nutrients that are vital in providing energy, muscular strength, and support the growth of lean mass growth and fat loss. According to Oxygen Magazine, choosing the best snack foods will stave off hunger, prevent fat gain and boost your training results.

A common go to snack for many is the always present, always reliable and easy to carry apple or banana. Portable and nutrient-packed, there’s no denying that a apples and bananas are healthy foods. But a single banana or apple may not provide the ideal mix of macronutrients to support your body-shaping goals and provide you with the energy you need to get through your day much less a tough workout.

With a few small changes you can easily upgrade a banana or apple to a super snack anytime of the day simply by dressing it up a bit:

high nutrient snacks

Making a mix of the best snack foods to reach your ideal body-shaping goals.

Morning: 1 cup of nonfat milk + 1/3 cup plain oatmeal + top with 1 small banana + 1/8 cup chopped nuts (walnuts, almonds or pecans)
Afternoon: 1 medium banana OR apple + 3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese +1 cup water
Pre-workout: 1 medium apple + 1/4 cup strawberries + 1 scoop whey protein
Post-workout: 1 small banana + 1 slice whole-grain bread + 1 tbsp almond butter + 1 cup water
Bedtime: despite its low calorie and nutrient dense qualities, fruit is not the best option at bedtime. Forgo the fruit and instead opt for 1 scoop of casein protein OR 1 cup of plain low fat Greek yogurt + 1/8 cup nuts (almonds, walnuts or pistachios) + 1 cup water

Atlanta Personal Trainer and Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
Mandy Malool

protein cake pops, Jezebel August 2012

Brad Kolowich Jr. Personal Training Studio boast many special features that sets it in a class of it’s own in the arena of training studio’s in Atlanta.  As mentioned in Atlanta’s 2012 August edition of Jezebel Magazine, one particularly unique quality at Brad’s studio is the inclusion of a line of healthy treats, :anyWhey Treats.  Baking and cooking has always been a hobbie/passion of mine (just ask my parents who had to instate the rule, “you make it you eat it and clean it”).  My combined passion for baking, health, nutrition and fitness birthed my new idea to create a treat that wouldn’t spoil your waistline, would satisfy cravings for sweet treats, provide the body with the necessary pre/post workout fuel to aid in recovery, boost metabolism and aid in the release of body fat while preserving muscle tissue.  :anyWhey Treat’s menu changes frequently at Brad Kolowich Jr. Studio’s.  Below is a sample menu.

protein cake pops, jezebel magazine 2012, brad kolowich personal training

: anyWhey treats
Featuring: all natural, healthy and energizing pre/post workout treats

Energy Boosting Protein Cake Pops, $2.00 each

for orders, contact Mandy Malool, mandy@bradkolowichjr.com

Nutrition (approximately per ball): Calories 57, Fat 2.75g, Carbohydrates 5g, Protein 6g

Protein Bars………$2.00 each
Peanut Butter Cheesecake
(Oats, Vanilla Protein, Peanut butter, Cheesecake flavoring)
Chocolate Almond Delight
(Oats, Chocolate Protein, Almond Butter, Coconut extract)
Lemon Bar
(Oats, Vanilla Protein, Almond Butter, Lemon Flavoring)

(Nutrition varies per bar) Approximately 100 Calories, 2g fat, 10 Carbs or less, 10g protein

AB-Attack” Fit Camp

Coming September 2012

30 minutes of intense Ab-focused training.

Guaranteed to help reshape your midsection!

Starting at $10/session*

September Fit Camp Schedule

1st Session begins September 11th @ 6:30pm

September 13th @ 6am and 7pm

September 18th @ 6am and 6:30pm

September 20th @ 6am and 7pm

September 25th @ 6:30pm

*5 session commitment rate September. $15/individual session purchase.


Mahi Mahi Fish Tacos

2 Mahi Mahi Burgers from Trader Joe’s

4 Reduced Carb Whole Wheat TJ’s Tortillas (These are my favorite new find at TJ’s!  Each one only has 45 calories and 3 net carbs, and 7g of fiber!)

1/2 cup frozen fire roasted pepper and onion blend

2 cups broccoli slaw

1/4 cup fat free ricotta cheese

1 Tbsp Chipotle Mustard (Silver Spring makes a great one!)

Saute the Mahi Mahi burgers about 6 min on each side.  Once cooked add the broccoli slaw to the pan and season with spices as you wish (for an extra fat burning kick add some red pepper).  Mix the burgers and slaw together.  In a separate pan, spray with cooking spray and heat to medium heat.  While heating, in a small bowl mix the ricotta cheese and mustard.  In the heated pan add a tortilla and a put a dollop of the cheese mixture on the tortilla.  Heat for about 1-2 minutes and add some of the Mahi Mahi and veggie mixture to the totilla shell.  Enjoy while its hot!

Quick, easy and absolutely yummy!  Guaranteed to impress your Dad with this one…(He’ll never know if came from a box)!

Recipe serves 2.  Nutrition Facts (per serving, 2 tacos)

245 calories, 8g fat, 29g protein, 27g carbs, 16g fiber (this is more than half of your daily required intake!)

Mandy Malool