Tag Archive for: personal trainers in midtown


fit pregnancy

April 2016

We are proud to introduce you to our April 2016 client of the month, Beth Wellesley! Beth, 33, has been on a path to success since the day she walked in for her first session over 3 years ago.  When Beth first came to Brad Kolowich Jr Personal Training Studio she was preparing for her upcoming wedding. Since her June 2013 nuptials, Beth has continued to commit to two workouts a week AND (other than travel) she has yet to miss a single workout! Beth has sustained a healthy lean physique through regular strength training, walking, yoga and having a positive ‘can-do’ attitude!

Late last summer Beth announced she and her husband would be expecting their first child in May 2016.  At 35 weeks pregnant, Beth has continued to work full time and sustain her regular training schedule. Though step-ups, push-ups and bench dips might not feel as easy as they did nine months ago, you won’t hear Beth complain but rather you’ll see her smiling through the task at hand.  Her optimistic disposition and dedication to she and her growing baby’s health is nothing short of exceptionally inspiring! Thank you Beth for being a source of motivation and inspiration for us all! Congrats on your growing family and best wishes as you round the corner to the final weeks of your pregnancy!

healthy holiday eats

For us, the Fourth of July has always meant pool parties, watermelon, fireworks, barbeques and popsicles. As with most holidays, the fourth comes with its share of care-free attitudes, food celebrations and overindulging in heavy foods, which ultimately can make waistlines explode along with the firecrackers. Our clients admit that this is a time they tend to go a bit overboard. The good news is that while some of the food choices can be a real doozy for your summer beach body and for your health, if you simply concentrate on foods that are naturally red, white and blue, your meal will actually be lower in calories, artificial colors and in preservatives. You’ll also arm your body with the nutrients it needs to fight assaults from pollution, sun damage, stress and other toxins like alcohol, grilling carcinogens and less-than-healthy food choices.

To leave the BBQ feeling as good as new, ditch the items below—and their negative effects on the body—and replace them with foods that are naturally red, white and blue.

Most holiday foods (think fatty chips and burgers, creamy macaroni salads and rich desserts) are high in fat, calories, sugar and sodium, and low in nutrients. This means they ultimately damage your health and cause weight gain and bloat.
Foods high in salt increase blood volume, making you bloated. These foods also increase your risk for heart attack and stroke, increase inflammation, add more pressure to joints (making arthritis worse) and contribute to many other health issues.
Fatty foods are high in calories and lead to weight gain. They also take a long time to digest, so the food sits in your stomach for awhile, making you bloated. Plus, most of the fats at barbecues are saturated or contain trans fats, which are not good for your heart or your cholesterol level.
Sugary foods are also typically high in calories and they seem to weaken the immune system by reducing the ability of white blood cells to destroy bacteria.
Avoid fatty, high-calorie, salty and sugar-laden foods (such as the ones mentioned above) and instead choose foods that are naturally from the red, white and blue family—foods like berries, watermelon, tomatoes and cherries; bananas, mushrooms, pears and onions; and blueberries, blackberries, grapes, purple cabbage. (Check out all of the options below.) And then round out the rest of your barbecue with grilled, steamed and raw veggies and lean grilled protein (such as chicken breast or fish). And if you want a carbohydrate, go for fruit, corn on the cob, beans or whole grains.

Here’s why these red, white and blue foods can keep you healthy:

They fight damage and toxins. These plant-based foods are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help to neutralize toxins and prevent inflammation that leads to disease and accelerated aging. This damage can be caused by overdoing it on less-than-healthy foods and drinks.
They keep you lean and bloat-free. Typically packed with fiber, these foods are naturally low in calories. Fiber prevents constipation and helps keep you regular. After your body extracts nutrients from food, fiber (think all vegetables, fruits and high-quality carbohydrates like red quinoa, red kidney beans and navy beans) helps to flush out the remains (waste and toxins) from your colon to give you a flat stomach.
They are 80 to 90 percent water and provide potassium to restore normal fluid balance and work against sodium to flush bloat.
Instead of artificial colors and flavors, get your red, white and blue from these scrumptious and health-promoting beach-body friendly meals:

For the grill:

Instead of a cheese burger, try a Portobello Burger
Skinny Turkey Meatballs with Wild Blueberry BBQ Sauce
Barbeque Salmon
Homemade Veggie Burgers made with Red Peppers and Mushrooms
Chicken Caprese Sliders
Healthy alternatives to creamy, fatty side dishes:

Instead of classic deviled eggs, try Skinny Deviled Eggs or Skinny Egg Salad Sandwiches
Instead of Classic Mashed Potatoes, Try Cauliflower Mashed potatoes
Egg Salad Tomato Poppers
Strawberries and Feta
Skinny Creamy Artichoke Dip Bites
Balsamic Drizzled Roasted Red Pepper & Eggplant with Feta
Veggie Chips

Try these lightened up desserts:

Fruit & Cream Crepes
Coconut Fruit Pops
PB & Banana Frozen Pops
Lemon Wild Blueberry Mini Tarts
Fruit Tarts
Skinny Strawberry Mint Ice cream
Grilled Banana Split



 Atlanta Personal Trainer

August Hammonds

March 2015

We are proud to introduce you to our March Live Life Fit personal training client of the month; August Hammonds! August, 37, has been on a path to success since the day she walked in the front door for her first session at Brad Kolowich Jr. Fitness Studio. Committed to waking up before the birds for her 6:00am sessions, August has yet to miss a single workout! Since the turn of the year, August has built a tremendous amount of healthy lean muscle by training efficiently and having a ‘can-do’ attitude! Her goal each and every workout is to train harder than her last and expend lots of energy, which she monitors through her Polar heart rate monitor. She has grown substantially stronger by working towards her goals; one of which was to complete a full-push-up. In the month of February alone, August increased her push-up record by 400%! August is also well on her way to achieving her fat loss goals due greatly to her efforts in the kitchen; as she has been eating healthy nutritious foods! She also monitors her daily caloric intake through MyFitnessPal. Great job August! We are extremely proud of your efforts to live life fit!

-Sean Runyan


What makes a great lunch? Is it something new, colorful, warm, hot, sweet, spicy, or one that comes neatly packed in a tupperware container? As a personal trainer and fitness nutritionist, I would say yes to each of these lunch characteristics. However, with a full schedule, time is a rarity in my household and making the time to create healthful meals is a challenge. There are many benefits to eating a healthy balanced meal mid-day, and Fit Chow helps me do just that without any time consuming preparations!

Eating in the middle of the day reenergizes your body and continues to provide your body with the energy it will need to stay productive throughout the rest of your workday. In addition, eating lunch (or small frequent meals) helps to keep your metabolism revving. It is a common misbelief that skipping meals to cut calories may help propel your weight loss. However, this strategy rarely produces long term, sustainable weight loss. In actuality, people who skip meals tend to weigh more than people who eat often throughout the day (according to Weight Control Information Network). Skipping lunch (or other meals/snacks) can rev up your appetite, causing you to over indulge in poor food choices.

Eating lunch is important, but what you are eating has equal importance! Some foods pack more nutritional value than others. Combining protein and complex carbohydrates (fruits and veggies) will give you a long-lasting source of energy. At Fit Chow we have combined our expertise in nutrition, health and fitness with Chef Curry’s exceptional cooking skills to create meals that fit this criteria perfectly. Ideally, a healthy lunch should be balanced with protein, complex carbs (fruits and veggies), and healthy fats. By simply packing 4-6 oz of the protein of your choice (1/2-1/3 of the protein in a container) and 4 oz (or 1/2 a container) of vegetables, you will have rapidly created a nutritional lunch to fuel your body through the rest of the work day. We have worked to create options for you that take guessing on healthy choices at fast food restaurants out of the equation.

So, take a lunch break and nourish your brain with healthful foods such as the foods Fit Chow Atlanta provides and I guarantee it will lead to a better and more productive afternoon!

Taco’s the healthy way…



Eating clean doesn’t have to mean eating boring. Fit Chow’s mission is to provide you with healthy and delicious alternatives to your favorite meals. We are taking the ‘guess’timating out of the equation and preparing meals that you can trust will keep you on track and reaching your fitness goals. One of our favorite menu items, Spiced Turkey Lettuce Wraps, helps satisfy your cravings for traditional Mexican dishes without adding disastrous inches to your waistline. Wrapping your favorite lean meat and sautéed veggies in lettuce will not only reduce your overall calorie intake, the crunchy greens will also provide you with more phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals than consuming your tacos on tortillas or taco shells.

Try adding these healthy toppings to your Spiced Turkey Wraps:

Cheese gets lost in the mix. Omit it to save calories–you won’t miss it.
When it comes to creamy toppings, choose sour cream or guacamole–not both.
Add moisture-choose tomato salsas as a lowcalorie/low-fat.
Add roasted corn, smoked peppers, or mango to boost flavor and nutrition to your topping.
In place of sour cream, consider using Greek yogurt, which has more protein but still has the tang!
Try adding chopped cucumber, green onions, diced tomatoes, cilantro, mushrooms, and green/red/yellow/orange peppers.

To order Fit Chow simply click on the link!

Client of the Month

top personal trainers in Atlanta Brad Kolowich Jr

Each month, Brad Kolowich Jr’s team of personal trainers get together to evaluate and measure their clients progress towards their current goals.  Due to the wonderfully hardworking and kind clientele we have at Brad Kolowich Jr personal training studio it is never an easy task at hand to pick just one person who has shined.  However, as owner Brad says, “This is not Kindergarten.”  The client who has earned the status as client of the month has truly outworked, out-shined others and gone over and beyond to meet his/her goals.  The client who is picked to represent our studio as client of the month is someone who has not missed workouts, maintained a positive attitude, trusted and followed his/her trainers dietary and exercise advice and stayed dedicated in and out of the gym.  The client of the month is featured in our monthly studio newsletter, Live Life Fit, posted on our wall of fit people, and given a complementary protein shake.

February 2013 Client of the Month:  Cara Roxland

top personal trainers in atlanta Brad Kolowich Jr


This month Cara Roxland is our stellar client for February 2013! Cara Roxland, 30, lives in Brookhaven with her new hubby and two young kittens. Cara and her husband, John, got married in November 2012. In preparation of her February 2013 Hawaiian honeymoon, Cara came to our studio in hopes of reaching her beach body ready physique. Cara began working with Mandy in December and in just four short weeks (the holiday’s included) she lost ¼ + inches a week in her waist, hips, chest, and thighs. This brought to a total loss of more than an inch in these areas over a months time. Cara has followed a strict workout regimen, getting in 4 1-hour sessions a week in December and 3 1-hour sessions a week in January and she has attended Ab-Class in addition to this schedule. As her countdown to her honeymoon rapidly approaches, Cara will resume to 4 sessions a week in February. In addition to her regular training session in and out of the studio, Cara has consistently followed my dietary advice and has done the preparation necessary to maintain a low-carb diet. Cara comes to each session ready to put in the work and make dietary tweaks necessary to reach her goals. Just this week she dropped her carbs more and has begun to loose even more inches. Thank you Cara for your hard work, trust and commitment to reaching your goals, bettering your health and we wish you HAPPY HONEYMOONING!

Saturdays 10:30am Core Class

the best personal trainers offer low cost core bootcamp

Saturday, January 19th, Brad Kolowich Jr hosted his second core focused class of the new year. The turn out was great and the workout was even better. Upon entering the class, the energy in his private personal training studio was already great. People were hanging out, talking and enjoying connecting while sipping on some hot coffee. The mats, medicine balls and all necessary equipment was lined up and ready for us to get to work. Before beginning the class, the lights were turned down low and the music went up. A video image of the instructors was projected up on the flat screen above making it easy to see what was going on at all times, even from the lying position you tend to be in while focusing on working on your core. Brad coached us through a 30-minute intense workout that not only focused on shaping our midsections, but also include active rest exercises that worked the entire body from head to toe. By the end of the class my heart was pumping, my muscles felt a good burn, and I was sweating from head to toe.

However that wasn’t all…at the conclusion of the class we were “refilled” with samples of the studio’s in-house protein shakes, coffee/tea, and a packet of information that further coached us on what we can do outside of class to continue to shape our core. Blake B. (a regular attendee this past fall and currently) describes the class as, “Different every time, except for the burn. Work as little or as hard as you want, but beware with Brad’s encouragement you will do more that you thought. You will see results after just a few times.” Bettina J., also a regular attendee this fall and currently (seen pictured), dropped several inches in her waist which she attributes to dedication to attending Brad’s Kolowich Jr’s personal training studio’s core class and adhering to his team’s nutritional advice.

Core class takes place each Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m and is only $15 a session. Please email us if you are interested at inquiries@bradkolowichjr.com OR stop in and check it out!


The Importance of Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

Personal training in Atlanta post workout nutrition ideas

Athletes must plan and time their meals and snack very carefully to reach their performance goals. But what about those of us who just participate in 30-60 minutes of exercise most days of the week?Maybe to your surprise, you too have to be careful about what you eat before and after workouts. At the best personal training studio in Atlanta, Brad Kolowich Jr Fitness, we encourage each of our clients to put these nutritional guidelines into place.

Usually, if you are eating a healthy diet and getting enough calories to support your activity level, you can rely on your own intuition, appetite, energy levels and experience to tell you what and when to eat before exercise. For optimal energy levels and metabolism it is recommended that your eat every 3-4 hours. Make sure your workout falls into that time window. Never come into a workout with Brad, Andy, or myself (Mandy) hungry or not only will you be counter productive in the results you are trying to achieve but you definitely won’t have the energy required to sustain the workout. The body works to build muscle (and recover) 24 hours a day, not just during that one-hour session at the gym. Luckily, smartly timed snacks can give the body the fuel it needs to gain muscle, burn fat, and recover as best it can.

After a tough gym session, post-workout snacks are an important way to restore energy and rebuild muscle too. Downed within 30 minutes after exercise, protein-packed shakes and snacks are a great way to rebuild tissue that breaks down during exercise. Refraining from eating a post workout meal OR indulging in high calorie/low nutrient foods can too be counter productive in seeing the results you are aiming for by exercising. After working out you need a protein and carbohydrate rich meal. Exercising depletes your body of stored muscle glycogen (carbohydrates), so post workout is the time to replenish this depleted muscle fuel. If you have a favorite high-carb food this is a good time to have them. Your body can digest refined carbs faster during your “refueling window”. However, don’t force yourself to indulge if you generally don’t eat processed foods.

Pictured above is one of our house specialty shakes, the Protein Frappaccino. In order to help our clients get that super important protein rich meal after their workout, we offer a variety of post-workout options for them. At Brad Kolowich Jr Fitness, we have weekly in-house protein shake specials. These shake specials change frequently, are generally inspired from the season or various special events occurring in the lives of our staff or clients, and ALWAYS deliciously packed with all the vital post-workout nutrients you need. For our “on the go” clients we also carry pre-packaged protein shakes, sports recovery drinks, in-house protein bars (frozen and great post-workout snack), and a variety of other beverages.

Brad Kolowich Jr and his staff of certified personal trainers provide their clients with the education, motivation and inspiration through training and nutritional advice to help their clients reach their full potential!

~Mandy Malool

Atlanta Personal Trainer, Andy Keller, Helps Client Drop 5% Body Fat

atlanta personal training using carb cycling for fat loss and muscle growth

Dale, 48, began working with nationally certified personal trainer Andy in January of 2012. He currently maintains a strict training schedule at Brad Kolowich Jr Atlanta personal training studio getting workouts in with Andy 5 days a week while staying dedicated to his cardio sessions post-workout and on his off days. Since beginning personal training with Andy, Dale has lost a total of 5% body fat, and with a focus of building muscle mass put on 3 inches in his chest, and 2 inches in his arms and legs. In October, Dale, with Andy’s great coaching, decided to take on the ultimate challenge of carb cycling to help reach his fitness goals.

Carb cycling is a strategy in which you (as the term insinuates) vary the amounts of carbohydrates you intake on a day to day basis, which doesn’t allow the body to find homeostasis. This strategy can be used to obtain various results such as for muscle gain or rapid fat loss. Reducing calories and carbohydrates can cause the dieter to experience low energy, decrease in metabolic rate, thyroid hormone output, and reproductive hormone output and more. In other words, following a low carb, low calorie diet for too long means the fat loss will reach a plateau. So, you can trick the body by giving it higher calorie, higher carbohydrate intakes frequently enough so that is won’t ever get too close to starvation mode, but infrequently enough so that fat loss (and muscle growth) can continue on. This is the strategy Andy used to coach Dale to lose 2 ½ inches in his waist in one month. While loosing inches in his waist, Dale also lost overall body weight and gained muscle mass and overall strength. Dale is proof that with dedication to your workouts in and out of training sessions, trusting and abiding by the strategies your trainer is helping you too implement, and by being consistent with a nutritional and training program you can quickly reach fitness goals you never imagined possible. Congrats Dale AND Andy!

How to Keep Muscle Mass While Sick
Thanksgiving is generally a time when we all worry about unwanted weight gain.  However, this Thanksgiving (as described in my Mom’s story below) our family was faced with a whole other challenge:  How to keep our hard earned muscle mass while sick with the stomach bug.  As personal trainer and nutritionist (and Brad a fitness model) our lively hood revolves around maintaining a lean and muscular physique.  Getting a gut wrenching stomach virus has the possibility to hinder the hard work we put in on a daily basis and set us back in our physical gains.  However, by following these five simple steps, we kept ourselves from falling into a huge setback.
In order to best prevent the loss of muscle during times of illness try theses remedies:
1. Believe it or not, when you are sick your metabolism speeds up (even if you aren’t moving) in order to help repair your body.  So, adequate nutrition is a MUST.  Start with a bland diet (bananas, rice, apples, toast) and add protein as you can stomach it.
2.  DRINK plenty of water and try pedialyte or gatorade to get vitamins, minerals and electrolytes back in your system.  Also, while your caloric intake is low, try drinking 5-10g of BCAA’s every 2-4 hours and 1-2g of buffered creatine (Kre Alkalyn) up to two times a day.
3.  Take a probiotic.  (IF you’ve had a run with the stomach virus, though you’ve cleared out all the bad bacteria in your system, you also cleared out all the good bacteria.  Take a probiotic to reintroduce those vital good bacteria to your system.)
4.  Eat or drink adequate protein.  Try a vegan based protein powder, Greek yogurt, and bland chicken (when you are able to stomach it).
5. REST and get plenty of sleep.  As mentioned above, your body is in overdrive working to overcome your illness and thus is going to need plenty of rest for your quickest recovery.
The story below was written by my Mother and Aunt, two other victims (of the 11) to our Thanksgiving fiasco, who also fought the good fight back to HEALTH and preserved muscle mass along the way by following these simple steps to recovery.
Script and pictures  by Nancy Blue (Nana) and Kathy Blue (Aunt Kathy)
You are now hearing the voice of Rod Serling…..
   Rod Serling
You unlock this door with the Key of imagination….
Beyond it is another dimension.
A dimension of sound…
A dimension of sight….
A dimension of mind….
You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance…..
Of things and ideas…
You have just crossed over into ….                                 
                                                                        Twilight Zone PicDOO-DOO-DOO-DOO…..DOO-DOO-DOO-DOO…DOO-DOO-DOO-DOO—-
It was an ordinary day in Brevard North Carolina, much like any other day just before Thanksgiving…..
The weather was exceptionally nice for a late November day and the Blue family was busily preparing for a joyous holiday weekend of fun and feasting.
nana graham
As the guests began to trickle in from Dacula, Atlanta, and Cashiers, all were happy to be reunited and to share in the joy of the new baby Graham.
mandy brooke cooking                       table 1
Festivities were enthusiastically underway as pies, cookies, casseroles and a grand Turkey were lovingly prepared, and a beautiful table was set to perfection.
Yes….it was a picture perfect setting….you could say, just like a Norman Rockwell painting…until……IT HIT !!!
Now officially documented by the CDC as THE H 2-0-1-2 … a sinister, insidious virus with NO KNOWN CURE !!
pukin pumpkin
First to fall was Nana… hardly finished with her Thanksgiving meal….she was hit hard…..
cute sick pumpkin
Followed shortly by Big Mike….it wasn’t a pretty sight!
2 sick pumpkins
Next to go were Aunt Mandy and Aunt Taylor, forced to huddle together on the bathroom floor, shivering in the night.
2 more sick pumpkins
And FINALLY…… the last to go…. Brad and Aunt Kathy.  We thought they were in the clear, but NOTHING escapes the deadly grip of
THE H 2-0-1-2 VIRUS !!!!!  Yes….it was a ghastly sight…..
survivor collage
And there were many casualties…….
family sneaking away                   germ graham
Then,as swiftly and unassumingly as the Heberling family came, they disappeared down the misty mountain road back home taking with them, their
secret biological weapon…..
sick supplies 
Leaving only some “Sick Supplies”…….
And a note which read…… ”We came…We infected… We ate… and… We left….We Love You!”
Hazmat Suit    hazmat_taining2 shokotan_hazmat_1  Hazmat wash down
Well, it is said that Love can be expressed in many different ways…..so next year….
the family will be ready for whatever expressions of “Love” may come their way !!!
And so…..until then….. “Village Under Quarantine For 30 Days” !!!
      Rod Serling
And so, my friends, goes another Thanksgiving in…..
                                                                                       Twilight Zone Pic
Happy Thanksgiving!
We decided we better give Santa fair warning…
Santa in Hazmat Suit
“ Well, here I am at the Heberling’s……good kid, that Graham, but germy…..”